Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust

The Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust was founded in 1955 with the object of raising funds to make grants to churches in Northamptonshire of all denominations for their "preservation, repair and maintenance, improvement, upkeep, beautification and reconstruction".


Grants are made to churches and chapels during the course of the year but are marked by a Celebration Evening during July. This is invariably a most congenial evening when members of the Trust have the opportunity of meeting representatives from the churches to which grants have been made. These representatives also have the opportunity of exchanging experiences which provides a source of encouragement in the challenging task of fund raising.


Make a donation by cheque:

Please make the cheque payable to Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust, and send to NHCT treasurer:

Michael Moore, 1 Horrocks Way, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 5DH

email or


Make a donation by bank transfer:

Please pay to:

Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust
Account No: 05608961
Sort code: 56 00 60
(NatWest Bank, 41 The Drapery, Northampton, NN1 2EY)


The Trust's funds are raised by donations, subscriptions from friends, and the proceeds of the annual sponsored Ride & Stride, which takes place on the second Saturday in September each year.